Logistics companies continue to be the engine of industrial demand in Mexico City
Solili | March 15, 2023 |

Mexico City closed 2022 with a gross industrial demand that exceeded 1.5 million square meters characterized by the presence of 95% speculative operations.

It is not surprising that as it is one of the most populated cities in Latin America, electronic commerce will establish itself as a new habit of the population that demands goods and services, growing at a rate of 23% during 2022, at the national level, according to points out the Mexican Association of Online Sales.

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More than 65% of the demanded spaces in Mexico City are occupied by logistics companies. Only Mercadolibre, Walmart, DHL and Tiendas 3B in a few operations concentrate 18% of transactions in Mexico City during 2022.

The accumulated total during 2022 of the demand for industrial buildings of less than 10,000 square meters represent close to a third of the total areas before this type of size concentrates just over 70% of the number of transactions.

Although the submarkets that make up the CTT (Cuautitlán, Tultitlán and Tepotzotlán) group 70% of the demand during 2022, the participation of industrial spaces in the so-called last-mile centers begins to rise, where we are considering the submarkets of Vallejo, Naucalpan towards the northwest and Iztapalapa to the east of the city.

Although these last-mile submarkets still represent 5% of the total in Mexico City, there is the possibility that this participation will increase in 2023 as the Vallejo-i Project Development Plan, promoted by the Mayor of Azcapotzalco and the government of Mexico City.

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The old industrial spaces that had reached functional obsolescence have a second chance with the conversion to a more modern industrial building and adapted to the new standards of demand.

The proximity to arterial or express roads such as the Interior Circuit or the Rio de La Piedad Viaduct provides easy access for these properties, where the goods must remain as short as possible before reaching the final consumer.

However, the traditional submarkets of the CTT exceed more than half of the vacancy in February 2023, which together with the 30% that Toluca has, leaves a significant operating margin for these submarkets to absorb the leasing activity in the coming quarters.

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