Real estate sector could generate 8 million jobs with support from the federal government
Forbes | July 26, 2021 |

In the framework of the Forbes Conecta: Real Estate Forum, the CEO of Global Businesses Inc and Skyhaus Federico Cerdas declared that the private company with government support could generate 7 to 8% of the Gross Domestic Product, which would imply employing eight million people that would generate an unprecedented economic spill.

To trigger this growth, the manager said that the sector requires government authorities to expeditiously issue permits for the execution of real estate projects in accordance with Mexican legislation.

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Banks, for their part, have an appetite to finance real estate development in our country due to their collateral guarantees and safe and constant cash flows, which are generated when the economy grows.

With an issuance of 600 million dollars, the population pyramid with 28 years on average made its debut, guaranteeing the demand for housing and services, with one of the most attractive market sizes in Latin America. In the same way, the real estate sector has always pushed other sectors such as the producers of raw materials such as metals and cement; manufacturing, transportation and logistics.

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Even real estate development, stressed the manager, modifies the appearance of cities, communities and neighborhoods and generates a positive economic impact in the modernization of areas and zones that would otherwise be stagnant.

Regarding the future of the office and shopping center sector versus teleworking and electronic commerce, he considered that they will be a major challenge for real estate development, but there will be hybrid schemes, although he acknowledged that demand will decrease in the medium term.

The executive concluded with the hope that the reopening will allow the federal, state and local governments to appreciate the potential of our role in the recovery of the country.

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