Wework records recovery due to return to offices
Real Estate Market & Lifestyle | June 25, 2021 |

As vaccination levels advance and companies begin to take action with their hybrid return-to-work strategies, WeWork reports that April and May 2021 have been the best months on record for its operation since September 2019.

The global coworking space company assured that, towards the end of May, the occupancy rate of its property portfolio stood at 53%, three percentage points higher than that registered last March. Typically this item hovered above 70%, but fell to 47% at the end of last year, due to the pandemic and the social confinement that caused a change in work.

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While sales increased to $ 39,000 in May from the 33,000 registered in April of this year. The recovery was also seen in contracts, which reached 4.3 million square feet or 400,000 square meters of contracts signed so far this second quarter of the year, WeWork said in a statement.

In addition, WeWork reported 505,000 memberships, a level that is close to the maximum reported in December 2019, when it registered 662,000 memberships, which decreased to 490,000 at the end of 2020, in the middle of the health crisis due to the coronavirus.

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The New York-based company was founded in 2010 with the vision of creating environments where people and businesses come together and do their work in a better environment. Currently the WeWork portfolio consolidates 767 locations in 38 countries.

“April and May marked WeWork's strongest two months of desktop net sales since September 2019, with desktop net sales of 10,000 and 17,000, respectively, driven by strengthening sales momentum and declining sales rates. abandonment, which have returned to pre-pandemic levels, ”reported the company that rents office space around the world.

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