Hybrid work increases productivity and mental and physical well-being
Inmobiliare | March 12, 2023 |

The impact of hybrid work on women has had a positive balance, which translates into a better quality of life, productivity, mental and physical well-being, professional growth, among others.

This was mentioned in the study "Beyond the hybrid revolution: The paradox of flexible work in Latin America", developed by WeWork. This research ensured that flexibility has had a positive impact on the working lives of women. They indicate that productivity has increased by 85%, while mental health and loyalty to the company are perceived by about 80% and 82%, respectively.

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In the sample, 79% said they maintain job satisfaction and 66% perceive growth opportunities. "These numbers reflect that the new work modalities, beyond being a trend, are a reality that is contributing to an improvement in the quality of life of the collaborators within their companies," the company highlighted.

According to Wework there are six advantages of the hybrid work model. The first is associated with better productivity of employees and teams, at the same time that there is a greater possibility of organizing to attend to personal situations at times that are usually complicated.

There is also a greater possibility of further professional development and peace of mind in a less strict environment, for example regarding the dress code. Finally, workers value greater savings by avoiding expenses on food, transportation or parking.

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In the study, the company mentioned that 90% of women indicated that flexibility makes them feel healthier by having various spaces where they can work and help them have a more dynamic routine.

The respondents highlight the importance of having a workplace meeting place with greater integration between areas and employees, which allows the creation of friendly or strategic relationships through the exchange of information and creative processes.

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