Querétaro's industrial sector grew at a rate of 20% between January and July 2022
El Economista | October 06, 2022 |

The local industry registered a growth of 20% at an annual rate, in the period from January to July 2022, an indicator that reflects a clear recovery in this productive branch, said the Secretary of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio del Prete Tercero.

Since 2021, the industry in Querétaro showed a recovery compared to pre-pandemic levels, a trend that has continued in 2022, explained the state secretary.

“The industrial sector in general already reports 20% growth (...) The numbers speak for themselves, it is 20% growth compared to last year (...) there was already growth, obviously compared to 2020 and we are already very above the levels of 2019 (…) These are signs that if we add them gradually there will be a clear recovery, at least in the industrial sector,” said the local official.

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However, he acknowledged that there are sectors that have not been able to recover from the effects of the pandemic and that have implied crises in supply chains, as well as rises in logistics costs, among other challenges.

The increase in industrial production, he added, is related to a greater demand for manufacturing parts, including the manufacture of transportation equipment, as it is one of the main components of local manufacturing.

"The growth reflects more demand, it means that the manufacturing industry is producing more, only the automotive, aerospace, and household appliances industries, which are the main industrial sectors of the state, are requiring more plastic to integrate into the products," he explained.

Of interest: Canadian firm BRP builds 2 new plants in Querétaro

It is noteworthy that secondary activities reported a growth of 2.5% in the first quarter of the year, compared to the same period of the previous year, being the productive sector with the highest growth, above the variation of primary and tertiary activities, detail results of the Quarterly Indicator of State Economic Activity (ITAEE).

From January to March, secondary activities contribute one percentage point to the 2.2% growth reported by the state economy, states the ITAEE.

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