The industrial zone in Mexico City expands to the north
Solili | June 28, 2022 |

When reviewing the geographical distribution of industrial inventories in Mexico City at the end of 1Q 2022, we observe that Toluca groups a quarter, while the so-called CTT made up of Cuautitlán, Tultitlán y Tepotzotlán takes half and the remaining 25% is distributed among the rest of the capital submarkets.

Industrial activity in the Valley of Mexico and Toluca has gone through a readjustment process that reoriented industrial specialization, where logistics has been displacing some manufacturing processes, although it continues to maintain the presence of light and medium industry.

In recent years, the CTT brokers have registered considerable growth, which is explained in part by their proximity to large distribution centers, such as Mercado Libre and Amazon. The rise of electronic commerce that increased considerably after the pandemic has created important changes in the requirements of industrial real estate with new technology and mobility guidelines for cargo.

At the end of May 2022, the total availability of the city reaches 2.86% but if we delve into the analysis we will find submarkets such as Naucalpan, Atizapán y Vallejo with vacancies above 7%, while the CTT submarkets are located below 3%, with Tultitlan being the one with the lowest vacancy with 1.1%.

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Toluca, for its part, groups 30% of the capital's vacancy and currently has 140,000 square meters, so it will continue to be a potentially good recipient of the demand that will develop in 2022.

Now, submarkets such as Huehuetoca y Zumpango, in the State of Mexico, have begun to expand their offer in an area that groups 5.2% of the inventory but currently has 30 thousand square meters with potential for growth in the immediate future. 

The advantage of these submarkets is the territorial availability that positions them to be part of the urban sprawl that expands to the north.

When reviewing the composition of demand, logistics and electronics companies continue to account for a large part of the absorption in recent quarters, with 1Q 2022 not being the exception.

In the first quarter of the year, the CTT has continued to lead the demand as they concentrate the largest supply of ships with the available infrastructure required by companies in order to reorganize their supply chain strategies to reach the final consumer.

The activity that Toluca registered during 1Q 2022 focused mainly on manufacturing and assembly of the automotive sector, with special interest in class B warehouses, mainly for BTS, as has been the case recently in the Toluca 2000 park.

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Another factor that affects the development of the city to the north is the participation of the government of the State of Mexico, which carries out the execution of 420 million dollars in investments that cover part of the State of Mexico and Hidalgo for works of access to the newly opened Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA).

Given the limited availability of land with infrastructure in the submarkets of the CTT, developers have chosen to explore new areas further north of the city, proof of this is the construction of a new park in the Teoloyucan area executed by Parks. This behavior will be increasingly common, which is why the industrial area of Mexico City will be expanding to the north, approaching submarkets such as those of Huehuetoca and Zumpango.

Strategies related to water infrastructure, housing, urban mobility and sustainability are key points that require investments in the northern zone, which has the necessary elements to extend a new industrial offer in the country's capital.

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