Mérida advances between verticalization and infrastructure
Inmobiliare | May 23, 2022 |

In recent years, Mérida has experienced what experts call a real estate boom, mainly driven by its attractive offer and the phenomenon of migration from the metropolis to tourist areas, which originated during the pandemic.

It's no wonder it's on the list of the top five cities with the highest capital gains over the past two years. From 2019 to 2021, it was placed in the first three places of the Social Progress Index (IPS), for its level of Satisfaction of Basic Human Needs.

All this hand in hand with security, since Yucatan is among the states in the country with the lowest crime rate and the fewest homicides and kidnappings so far in 2022, according to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP).

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In addition to its natural, cultural, gastronomic and architectural wealth, the White City has earned a place among the top 10 best cities in the world to visit this year, along with international cities such as Osaka, Kyoto, Singapore, Bangkok and Seoul.

However, the opportunities for Real Estate are as great as its challenges; infrastructure, sustainable growth, verticalization and redensification, are some relevant issues for the development of the economy of the White City, topics that will be addressed by real estate experts and authorities of the region at Reb+ Summit Mérida 2022, organized by Imobiliare.

In tune with the boom in the capital of the state of Yucatan, the number of foreign visitors has doubled, compared to nationals, especially Americans and Canadians, which is perceived in the hotel industry that has recovered its occupancy to 35%, according to Raúl Naya, director of Gira Capital Real Estate.

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In this sense, he stressed that this is an area of opportunity for developers, since products must be designed to adapt to the needs of those who choose to own a property in Mérida.

Currently, the capital has 1.3 million inhabitants and registers a historical evolution of growth in the housing sector of 4%, which exceeds the national average of 2.2%, said the expert.

One of the winners of this dynamism is the vertical residential segment in the north, after a rise in the cost of land and a rise in the price of the horizontal product in 2018.

Corporate activity, in turn, also shows signs of interest on the part of investors, as indicated by the real estate platform Solili.

In Solili you can consult available offices in Mérida and León 

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