Technology at the service of last mile logistics
Inmobiliare | September 28, 2021 |

Last-mile operations represent up to 50% of the total cost of logistics of a company and, according to the CEO of Treggo, Matías Lonardi, in an interview for Inmobiliare, logistics should be around 10% or less of the total cost of a product

The process is inefficient and highly costly and puts Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) at a disadvantage.

Treggo, an Argentine company that arrived in Mexico at the beginning of 2021 and wants to reduce the gap so that more businesses with online sales can comply with these standards and with the expectations of the current consumer.

This platform seeks to solve last-mile distribution problems through technology and with a collaborative economy model to achieve scalability in different markets.

It operates with independent distributors through its platform, with more than five thousand collaborators.

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Mexico is one of the Latin American countries with the largest number of inhabitants, which is why it becomes a business opportunity for Treggo.

This service is of particular importance for the national economy, not only because of its contributions to production, but also because of its potential to create jobs.

According to data from the Competitiveness Center of Mexico (CCMX), these represent 99.8% of all companies in the country, and generate 7 out of 10 jobs. They also contribute 52% of GDP at the national level.

However, with the accelerated growth of e-commerce, and the arrival of large Marketplace players, such as Amazon and MercadoLibre, they must develop their service to match or improve the shopping experience.

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The Argentine company offers same-day delivery services, next-day delivery and, one of the most prominent, reverse logistics. The latter solves operations for exchanges and returns.

It also developed in-house technology that uses data information for geolocation and georeferencing.

This algorithm takes into account variables such as the weather, the traffic, the load, the amount of the products, among others; with which they ensure that each delivery is made with the ideal delivery person and the best route.

Finally, he added that the most important challenge is to align with the expectations of the online buyer, which evolve faster in time, cost and visibility.

In Solili it locates industrial warehouses in Vallejo, Cuautitlan and Tultitlan

Original note

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