States that attract FDI demand more industrial space
Solili | September 09, 2021 |

At the end of the second quarter of 2021 Baja California leads the first place in the reception of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with 1,329.9 million dollars. They are followed by Mexico City with $ 953 million, Chihuahua with $ 533 million, Coahuila with $ 481 million, Sonora with $ 420 million and Zacatecas with $ 400 million, thus closing the first 6 places, nationally.

The largest increases in the annual comparison are reflected in Zacatecas, Guerrero, Baja California, Yucatán and Chihuahua.

These figures determine that three entities such as Baja California, Chihuahua and Zacatecas are not only located in the highest amounts but also register the highest increases.

If we analyze the six-month horizon, the Ministry of Economy in preliminary figures reported that of the 18 thousand 443 million dollars, 47% corresponds to reinvestment of profits, 32.7% to new investments and the remaining percentage to accounts between companies.

Regarding the economic sector to which manufacturing is directed, it scores 40.6%, followed by mining with 13.5%, financial services and insurance 11.6%, transportation with 10.3%, commerce 8.6% and the remainder corresponds to the rest of the sectors.

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For its part, the capital is of special importance and if the measurement is considered in semi-annual terms, it would still hold the first place at the national level with 3,270 million dollars. Of this amount, the reinvestment of profits stands out with 57.7%, of which about a third came from the United States.

The northern border zone takes the lead in terms of regions, grouping 6 thousand 607 million dollars per semester of FDI, where the first three places are Baja California with 1,625.8 million dollars, Nuevo León with 1,454.8 million dollars and Chihuahua with 1,049.1 million dollars.

If we analyze the Bajío, the entities of Guanajuato and San Luis Potosí occupy the fifth and tenth positions among the first ten places in the amount of Semiannual Foreign Direct Investment, with 1,016.1 and 663 million dollars, respectively.

If we now cross these figures against the industrial demand that Solili indicates during the first half of 2021, we find a high correlation between these two indicators.

Of the national total of almost 3 million square meters, the first five positions correspond to Mexico City, Monterrey, Ciudad Juárez, Tijuana, Saltillo and Guadalajara.

Of interest: A stable exchange rate is projected around 20 pesos

The capital of the country reflected a gross industrial demand of 549 thousand square meters, followed by Monterrey and Ciudad Juárez with 476 and 338 thousand square meters, respectively.

They are followed by Tijuana with 265 thousand, Guadalajara with 247 thousand and Saltillo with 208 thousand square meters.

Undoubtedly, the industrial fabric of the country has been through manufacturing and logistics a great dynamizer of Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico, and Mexican industrial developers know this pulse and adapt with innovative ways in the constructive and financial schemes that advance in more than one million 244 thousand square meters that are built in modern industrial buildings throughout the country.

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