Flexible spaces shape the future of work
Inmobiliare | July 27, 2021 |

The flexible spaces that allow rents in periods shorter than the monthly are the great ally of hybrid work where it is favored to combine face-to-face work and the home office.

The hybrid model allows landlords to rent to more than one company at a time, which favors one of the most affected sectors in the real estate segment after the pandemic. This exit opens a potential growth path for vacant offices.

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Álvaro Rocafort, regional director of Grupo International Workplace Group (IWG) expressed that in 2020 companies had to modify their way of operating where working from home forced them to migrate to decentralized structures. The British-based group IWG operates workspaces in Mexico under the Regus, Spaces and HQ brands.

Flexibility in terms of terms and in variable occupations by employees and locations generates lower rental expenses that may direct investment in personnel and expand operations.

The demand for flexible workspaces has grown to the point that this market is currently valued at $ 25 billion in annual revenue; IWG Group figures.

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On the other hand, the British company conducted a survey in which 65% of global companies believe that the hybrid model reduces costs. Likewise, 85% believe that this modality increases their productivity.

Based on this, the company estimates that by 2030 one third of global offices will follow this scheme. They also anticipate that the 16 countries with the best economies will generate an economic spill of 10 trillion dollars thanks to the flexible offices.

In Solili you can consult the Office Market Report 2Q 2021 nationwide

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