Bajio gross absorption growth exceeds northern markets during 2022
Solili | December 27, 2022 |

With eleven months after 2022, the Bajío has managed to reach more than one million 380 thousand square meters of gross demand, exceeding by 52% that registered in the same months of 2021.

As a reference, the growth of gross demand at the national level between January and November 2022 compared to 2021 was 17%, while the same increase in gross absorption registered 6.7% in the group of eight entities monitored by the Solili platform. from North.

In other words, both the growth rate and the total demand areas above 2021 were higher by length in the four markets of the Bajío compared to the markets of the northern border.

Consult here: Industrial demand in Querétaro is the one that has grown the most in the entire Bajío region

However, the markets of Guanajuato y Querétaro currently register gross demand growth above the average of 52% of the Bajío, which already reaches 82% and 71%, respectively, in these markets.

It is a reality that both Guanajuato and Querétaro were industrial markets greatly affected by the pandemic. Although when we analyze the historical figures and compare the net industrial demand for the first half of 2019, where Covid19 had not yet appeared, with the figure registered in the first half of 2022, reality indicates an increase of 135% for Guanajuato and 1,500% for Querétaro. 

In other words, prior to the pandemic, these states registered a significant contraction in gross and net demand and in the post-pandemic period, the recovery of the manufacturing, electronics, and metal-mechanics sectors, together with the new demands for data centers and logistics services have managed to far exceed the opportunities that existed in 2019.

In the case of Guanajuato, the gross demand of the first three quarters of 2022 corresponds to more than 90% of Class A ships and the sizes of ships range from 500 square meters to 113 thousand square meters, where this last transaction represents 23 % of cumulative demand.

Of interest: Queretaro manufacturing facing a great opportunity with nearshoring

In Querétaro, during the first three quarters of 2022, a greater number of large-area operations have been generated. The data centers and the technology, electronics, automotive, aeronautics and manufacturing sectors concentrate a dozen operations with industrial buildings that exceed 12,000 square meters and represent 58% of the total demand.

San Luis Potosí also accumulated 263,000 square meters between January and November, which is one third more than what was registered in the same months of 2021. This market has a determining component of the automotive industry.

The entity's gross demand during the first three quarters of 2022 has been concentrated in equal parts in custom-made and speculative projects with surfaces ranging from 1.1 to 68 thousand square meters, the latter corresponding to the automotive sector and located in the submarket San Luis Potosí-Río Verde.

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