Do you qualify for an Infonavit credit? Check out how the evaluation is
Centro Urbano | January 10, 2022 |

Prequalification, also known as Infonavit pre-evaluation, is one of the steps that must be followed to find out if you can start the loan application process to buy a home through the Institute.

According to the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit), in order to prequalify, you must have 1,080 points.

Among the steps to follow to carry out an Infonavit prequalification, the first one to access

to the Infonavit Prequalification website, and then choose which prequalification you need.

Check here: In 2021 housing and services only increased by 2.54%

Subsequently, you register your personal data and accept the query you requested, verifying that your information is correct.

There are nine aspects to evaluate that were modified by Infonavit in 2021 and are as follows: Two-month continuous contribution (qualifies from 90 to 191 points), Integrated daily salary (from 111 to 144 points), Balance in the Housing Sub-Account (from 116 to 124 points), Age of the worker (105 to 114 points), Company behavior (from 85 to 129 points), Job Stability (from 98 to 144 points), Type of worker (from 103 to 122 points), Business (from 85 to 151 points), and Municipality from 102 to 142 points).

Comprehensive income is the income they receive including benefits.

The balance of the housing subaccount is the total savings you have accumulated in your account.

Of interest: Invi and Infonavit allied to facilitate access to housing

The behavior of the company refers to whether or not the company you work for complies with its employer contributions, equivalent to 5% of your integrated salary.

As the type of worker, it evaluates whether or not the job is permanent.

When evaluating the Municipality, Infonavit considers the levels of unemployment in the municipality where the company is based.

Given this, if these requirements are met, the beneficiaries can request any financing scheme offered by Infonavit.

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