Automotive companies in Querétaro will expand operations
El Economista | January 19, 2022 |

During a meeting between the state government and members of the Querétaro Automotive Cluster, the state secretary reported that there is progress in attracting investment from this industry.

Among the portfolio of private investment projects, of which the state government is aware, 17 are expansions of companies related to the automotive industry, confirmed the Secretary of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero.

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The president of the State Automotive Cluster, Renato Villaseñor Mendoza, highlighted that the goal of making the entity forge itself as a pole of innovation for the Mexican automotive industry is being followed; in addition to promoting an environment of competitiveness and economic development with a sustainable vision.

At the meeting, the governor, Mauricio Kuri González, promised to provide the tools to promote the growth of companies and the state.

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“We are going to be accompanying them in any of their problems or needs, be it security, be it energy, be it water, be it regulatory improvement, be it transport, be it, of course, justice issues” , commented.

Until before the pandemic, the state's automotive industry comprised 316 companies and support centers: 200 Tier 2, 104 Tier 1, seven original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), four design and research centers, and a national distribution center. according to the mapping generated by the cluster and Sedesu.

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