American Industries begins construction of a new industrial park in Chihuahua
El Economista | April 18, 2023 |

With an investment of 142 million dollars, American Industries began construction of its new industrial park in the capital of Chihuahua, built on a 54.5-hectare area that houses 13 industrial warehouses that will occupy 44.3 hectares. It is estimated that the first speculative ship in the park will be ready by the end of 2023.

The companies that they expect to receive belong to the aerospace, automotive, medical and logistics sectors, in order to promote the industrial development of the region and employment.

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José Gallo, director of the real estate area of American Industries, indicated that this new park is emblematic for the company as it is an important trigger for the industrial development pole.

“American Industries has 45 years of experience in the development of world-class industrial parks, this being the sixteenth of the group. Chihuahua is the country's largest exporter and largest employer. It is also the main pole of industrial growth in the country with sectors such as aerospace, automotive, logistics, plastics and medicine. There are 10 solid clusters with growth due to the competitive advantages of the state that has more than 50 years of industrial development specialized in manufacturing”.

The new industrial park in Chihuahua is located five minutes from the international airport, it is close to a railway, highways with different accesses to strategic areas such as borders.

In addition, it has availability of electricity, digital and analog services, a fire protection system, 24-hour security, access roads, added to the guarantee of American Industries, which makes it a place for the establishment of national and international companies. .

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"With this new industrial park, American Industries will continue to strengthen its investment and expansion plan, thus providing new accommodation opportunities for all those foreign companies that plan to bring their manufacturing and distribution operations to Mexico. Mainly we seek to offer spaces of the highest quality and infrastructure in order to facilitate successful establishment in the country in the shortest possible time," added Sandra Malottky, director of Business Development in the Chihuahua Region.

In Solili you can consult industrial warehouses available in Ciudad Juárez y Reynosa

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