5 key elements in green housing developments
Real Estate Market & Lifestyle | March 22, 2022 |

It is not only the new generations that are interested in green, sustainable and circular economy issues. Currently, as a whole, more Mexicans are aware of the need to care for the environment.

In this sense, green housing developments are a trend that is on the rise, although it is not an exclusive phenomenon of CDMX. But this sustainable living option in a development is easier to achieve than most people think. The adoption of "green" policies are accessible, in addition to guaranteeing the safety and well-being of tenants. Among the most important arguments to opt for a sustainable subdivision are:

1.- Have renewable energies. Extracted from clean sources such as the sun or the air, they are an alternative in a green development; some developers even offer discounts to homeowners who choose to install a solar panel, for example, and also promote the choice of energy-saving appliances, from non-incandescent light bulbs to smart televisions.

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2.- A location that does not generate displacement. This has nothing to do with elements that make up the property, but it matters when qualifying a green development because it offers its inhabitants the opportunity to walk or bike to work, supermarket or shopping centers. The objective is to use the car less and promote public transport, helping to reduce CO2 emissions.

3.- Organic spaces plants and gardens have a positive impact on the environment and keep the air clean, absorbing toxins and carbon dioxide.

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